relative risk sample size
이걸로 한동안 엄청 고생했는데...
임시로 해결책을
발병 빈도(기준 년도, 해당 년도)로 3sigma 에 해당하는 값을 cut off로 두고,
각 군 내의 발병 빈도를 기준으로 컷 하는 방법으로 진행하려고 코드도 다 짜뒀는데...!
드디어 찾았다... 표본 크기 ㅜㅜ
처음 찾았던건
Case-Control Studies: Design, Conduct, Analysis (Schlesselman)
R 패키지로 찾다보니...
Hmisc이 있었음 레퍼런스는 아래와 같음!
Fleiss JL, Tytun A, Ury HK (1980): A simple approximation for calculating sample sizes for comparing independent proportions. Biometrics 36:343–6.
Brittain E, Schlesselman JJ (1982): Optimal allocation for the comparison of proportions. Biometrics 38:1003–9.
Gordon I, Watson R (1996): The myth of continuity-corrected sample size formulae. Biometrics 52:71–6.
# bsamsize(p1, p2, fraction=.5, alpha=.05, power=.8)
# p1 population probability in the group 1
# p2 probability for group 2
# odds.ratio
# percent.reduction
# n total sample size over the two groups. If you omit this for ballocation, the
# fraction which optimizes power will not be returned.
# n1
# n2 the individual group sample sizes. For bpower, if n is given, n1 and n2 are set
# to n/2.
# alpha type I error
# fraction fraction of observations in group 1
# power the desired probability of detecting a difference
# nsim number of simulations of binomial responses